Brian Perreira
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Full Name: Brian Pereira
License/Certification Name: All Grassroots
Issuing Organization: US Soccer
Year Obtained: 2019
Coaching Philosophy: My coaching philosophy is looking to promote a positive environment where players are excited to come and learn at training while having it be competitive so players are able to compete vs each other in training, helping each player grow. In attack looking to keep possesion, while going forward. Defensively, defending as a unit, staying disciplined in our assignments.
Call to Action: Check out a game!
Favorite Ice Cream: Cookies N Cream With Peanut Butter
Favorite Pizzeria: Village Pizza- Old Wethersfield
What inspired you to become a coach, and how does this passion align with our mission?
After obtaining multiple injuries , I wanted to stay involved in the sport that I grew up loving. I had a coach growing up who really made the game fun and got the best out of me. Because of the way he taught the game and his demenor while coaching it really inspired me to want to start coaching. I now enjoy teaching the game and watching our young players develop on and off the field.