
Rafal Murawski


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Full Name: Rafal Murawski
License/Certification Name: A license
Issuing Organization: USSF
Year Obtained: 2024
Playing Experience (Optional): Poland  III and IV Division, England – Ryman League
Coaching Philosophy: I don’t coach many players with the ball, I coach the other players without the ball. The ball is in the present, the other players are in the future.
Call to Action: Ex. Come check out a training session.
Favorite Ice Cream: Pistachio
Favorite Pizzeria: I don’t have a favorite pizzeria. I enjoy trying different places and exploring various styles of pizza.

What inspired you to become a coach, and how does this passion align with our mission? 
My inspiration to become a coach stems from soccer’s profound impact on my life. For me, it’s not just a game. It’s a teacher of perseverance, humility, and respect. It encompasses a range of emotions, mistakes, failures, euphoria, and sadness—that offer life-changing lessons.
Coaching allows me to share these insights with my players, helping them grow as athletes and individuals. This passion aligns perfectly with our mission to enrich the community through soccer, fostering lifelong relationships and personal development. Soccer is my life, and I’m dedicated to passing on its valuable lessons to the next generation.